Food question time English

Hey folks,
I've a simple questions for you..
What's your favourite food and why 😁
In my case, i really love the food of my land "Friuli Venezia Giulia" because i grew up with it and i've so many memories of when i was a child. One of my favourite dishes is definitely the "frico". It's a kind of tortilla with 2 kinds of cheese, potatoes and onion.

My favorite food is a bacon cheeseburger with steak fries and a milkshake. It's something I think of when I think about comfort food. Just something I have always loved!

Hey alessioZ, my favourite food is couscous. It's a algerian food that imported in France with the french colonisation. There are semoule, vegetables and meat

Ah this is a bit of a tough question; I think I’d have to choose between biryani (obviously 😂) or chicken and sweet corn noodle soup; those are two major dishes that I’ve been brought up eating. My mum always makes me the soup when I’m ill, and it’s a comfort food.

My favorite food is a bacon cheeseburger with steak fries and a milkshake. It's something I think of when I think about comfort food. Just something I have always loved!
Well bacon cheesburger is a master class it makes you in peace with the whole world..i never tryed it with a milkshake but i will take it in considerati for sure 🤔

Hey alessioZ, my favourite food is couscous. It's a algerian food that imported in France with the french colonisation. There are semoule, vegetables and meat
Yeah i use to make couscous when i was in's not my favourite kind of food, but i've to say that it is tasty and light ✌️ what kind of meat do you use for make it?

Ah this is a bit of a tough question; I think I’d have to choose between biryani (obviously 😂) or chicken and sweet corn noodle soup; those are two major dishes that I’ve been brought up eating. My mum always makes me the soup when I’m ill, and it’s a comfort food.
Well mum soup is always a nice remedy when you are ill 😁
Honestly i never taste this biryani 🤔 what is it? I'm a bit curious

My favorite food is probably ravioli. I'm not exactly sure why, I just think its super super good and Italian food is my all time favorite 🙂

My favorite food is probably ravioli. I'm not exactly sure why, I just think its super super good and Italian food is my all time favorite 🙂
I'm glad to hear that the italian food is you favorite 😁 i love ravioli too, with a filling of goat cheese and pumpkin in a sauce of butter, sage and a bit of smoke ricotta 🤤 yours?

I like hot pot, the not spicy one. You can just put every kind of food you like in it. I usually add some mutton rolls and mushrooms. And pounded shrimp paste which will be shaped by a spoon into the hot water in the pot.

My favorite food is Dungeness crab. This year for the first time my wife actually started getting them live and cooking them herself. Prior to that we always got the fresh, precooked crabs. I'm amazed at how much of a difference it makes. We always get fresh crab and never the frozen variety. I like mine just as it is with a glass of sparkling wine or a good Viognier. Crab season in our area is usually late November through mid April, but this year we didn't get them until mid January because of fishing issues (they had to delay the season due to whale migrations) and then price issues.

Don't really have a favourite dish, but my favourite vegetable is eggplant!
I once ate it in ratatouille and another time in an indian dish. Both were delicious 😋

Sadly enough I have not discovered yet how to prepare it well myself.

Pizza , aash , jooshpaareh , chicken

Hmmm... I like Schnitzel, Marillenknödel (apricot dumplings?) and Spaghetti con Carne 😃

I like a beef fajita with guacamole and chili verde.

Are you seeking some delicious food? Try China... 🙂

I love a seafood boil because a small amount can fill you up for an entire day.

It's so difficult to pick one and it keeps changing with my mood! But, probably I like the comfort food I grew up with the most- 'Vegetable Khichuri'. It's warm and cozy and perfect for a rainy day ^__^

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