What do you think about the Germans? Politics and governments

Please try to be friendly🙏

I have worked with Germans abut 2 - 3 years remotely. My experience, Germans don't have Gray . It's either black or white. I like that quality.

That's an interesting opinion. Can you get more detailed maybe? If you don't want the whole world to read it, we can also chat privately

A bit too rigid/unflexible for what I see, andthey probably harm themselves and others politically speaking, but they generally tend to be sympathetic from my experience.

I have worked with Germans abut 2 - 3 years remotely. My experience, Germans don't have Gray . It's either black or white. I like that quality.
I find this „black/white“ thinking terribile!

I have worked with Germans abut 2 - 3 years remotely. My experience, Germans don't have Gray . It's either black or white. I like that quality.
I find this „black/white“ thinking terribile!
Why do you think it's terrible ?. I like people who say " Yes " or " No " instead saying " I'll try to" or " May be ". Specially in the business world.

I have worked with Germans abut 2 - 3 years remotely. My experience, Germans don't have Gray . It's either black or white. I like that quality.
I find this „black/white“ thinking terribile!
Why do you think it's terrible ?. I like people who say " Yes " or " No " instead saying " I'll try to" or " May be ". Specially in the business world.
For the social discurs in the society only „black/white“ is terribile! If you not in the mainstream, then you are an outsider and I don‘t like our german idiotic mainstream and public culture!

I have worked with Germans abut 2 - 3 years remotely. My experience, Germans don't have Gray . It's either black or white. I like that quality.
I find this „black/white“ thinking terribile!
Why do you think it's terrible ?. I like people who say " Yes " or " No " instead saying " I'll try to" or " May be ". Specially in the business world.
Manicheism leads to dogmatic views in which people who don't fit in one or either side will just be treated as outsiders or pests, hence isolating anyone thinking or acting a little bit difference or trying to innovate. I think you mistake machinesim for being decisive?

I know some German people. And I can say, that German men at least aren't the worst men in the world)

They are very smart and rich.

I knew some Germans during the summers and they were all kind people, always smileys and nice 😊


aangepast door Lir_Elhan .

Germans are underrated. Really.

The people, the language, the culture... Truly fascinating.
I study German in school, and I went to Germany twice (one week for each trip), I think it was two of the best experiences in my life. I have discovered so much about the German culture and history, we discovered so much German cities... and I'm grateful about it. During our trip, our German class was distributed in small groups of friends in German host families to experience a total immersion in a German family ! That was absolutely amazing !

I'm so sorry when I hear the stupidities that some people tell about Germany, Austria, or whatever.
I once heard someone who said that Germany was poor... EXCUSE ME ?? 😂 Germany is everything but poor (even better than France I think !)
People in school prefer Spanish as it may be more easy and close to French than German... Fair enough ? No ? Some of them even insult the German language as a language of Nazis or the Devil... I have no words... Why so hatred towards the German language ? They didn't even try it first... 😠
People may think that Germans do not smile enough... I don't know, but if so, it's just part of their way of being. Not smiling does not mean not being nice. The family I stayed with during my trip was wonderful !
A few people think about Germany only during WW2, but it's not that Germany anymore... It's the whole history of Germany that makes Germany a great country nowadays !

I really likeGermany and the German countries as a whole !
Die Deutschen Länder haben eine tolles Kultur. Ich wünsche der deutschen Community bei Penpal Gate alles Gute. 🖤❤️💛🤍


aangepast door Lir_Elhan .

I think the German people are friendly and it's a beautiful place and the German women are beautiful but that's a different story 🙂

I have a good German friend who is very artistic. I have also interacted with other Germans, and I don't think they are as rigid and strict as some stereotypes suggest. I believe that everyone is different, and we shouldn't generalize. Overall, the Germans I have interacted with have left a good impression on me.

I could write the same without any exaggeration from my experiences with France, Italy,
Finland or Great Britain and most other countries I was allowed to visit. In almost every
country I found people with whom I felt very comfortable...

If someone had to gain 'not-so-beautiful' experiences, it was perhaps simply due to the
situation. Sympathy and antipathy always correspond to the respective persons and
hardly to A Whole Country...

I agree, it's unfortunate that people put a stereotype on a community because of one bad experience (or multiple). Just because you're born there doesn't mean you'll be like everybody else there. Anyway, Germans from my experience are pretty nice!

Some are good, some not. For example, I never spoke to finchen13 of my life but she blocked me.
Or Earthman1008 who wrote looking for new friends all over the world but when I said Hi, how are you ?
She saw it but she never replied.

The worse are maybe Americans because they spawned 40 wars in 50 years. And Polish because they constantly criticize and take people for fools.