

  • 5
  • Ik ben een expert in...

    Playing video games! Haha prolly decoding musics and lyrics ^,^ making poems

  • Spijt

    I dont regret anything! Or it'll prolly hold you back! To what you can do just move on and know that it'd happened already

  • Je favoriete boek/schrijver/films

    A series of unfortunate events
    A story about being happy
    Stranger things
    Sleepless in Seattle (i like old movies btw)
    Pretty woman
    Home alone (every home alone movie haha)
    And a lot moreeee

  • Ik wou dat mensen meer wisten over...

    How each individual is different from one another and that not everyone is the same with you so be open to other ideas and opinions so that we'll have more connection in this godsaken place

  • Ik maak me zorgen over...

    How you feel whats on your mind your problems and the things you have a grudge on or a problem you have about your health too ^,^

  • Mijn interesses in andere culturen

    Learning the differences of what we do i loved to learn the background history of your country i always feel inquisitive on those kinds of stuff so yeah tell me about your place and i'll tell mine ^,^

  • Mijn mening over de menselijke aard

    Human nature is a really complex puzzle and each person is different Tho if you found someone alike then out of all you’re a very lucky person ☺️

  • Ik geniet altijd van praten over...

    Mostly whats on your mind or my mind i enjoy learning and knowing stuffs about you or musics and your common interest or hobbies

  • Zeg iets over de wereld!

    ● Memento mori ●

  • Een truc of een stukje advies

    Life is short don’t take anything too seriously but make everything worth it don’t fear death fear living a life unfulfilled

  • Een persoonlijke uitdaging

    To become the very best of myself overcome obstacles in my life and those in my path

  • De wereld een betere plaats maken

    With love and with feelings everything can be done with love

  • Ik heb pas geleerd...

    Loving too much won’t make them stay if they love someone accept and move on

  • Het was vroeger beter

    Socialism without phones! And old songs haha

  • Waar ik het meest trost op ben

    getting the feeling of unstoppable force to greatness and trying to obtain the very best person in me to reach my full potential

